About Us

Taking its name from an Inca dagger, Tumi was founded in 1978 by Mo Fini promoting fair trade crafts and goods with Latin America, working closely with organisations such as Traidcraft and Oxfam Trading, specialising in wholesale distribution, retail and mail order online of world crafts.

Customer Feedback

We always value customer feedback. If you have any comments or suggestions based on your experience of shopping with us then please use our feedback form to get in touch with us, or email us at feedback@tumi.co.uk.

Tumi on YouTube

Tumi are now on YouTube! You can view our channel at http://uk.youtube.com/user/tumicrafts.

Our videos include documentaries about Aztec and Mayan pottery of Mexico, Amate paper making, gourd-carving in Peru and more. The videos shown were recorded by Mo Fini and his partner Lucy Davies during their travels in Latin America in the 1980s and so provide a valuable social documentary as well as interesting information about some of the products sold by Tumi.

Watch the Mexican Pottery Video Now